Thursday, June 11, 2009

Falling from blogging grace.

It seems that every where I look my fellow bloggers are all quitting.. The dream of posting pictures and stories for anyone, and perhaps no one to read is falling off into the jaded land of I Give Up. Well here is an alert to all my faithful follower, I will not quit! The idea of spilling countless rants and stories of adventure through time and space and perhaps just my maniacal quip is a pure and thorough joy that I cannot put to pasture. I dont care who reads my stories and I do not care who does not read my stories but if you read my stories and enjoy them my high horse can certainly be hard to climb down from as the flattery of another soul enjoying my writting as much as I do can be more than this self indulgent braggart can handle. I do not necessarily think that I am anymore capable and perhaps not nearly as friendly as some of those that I have seen fall from the ranks of blogdom, but it sadens me to see the empty spaces of those blogs of you who have disapeared from the land of let-it-all-out-and-tell-everyone-online-your-life-stories. I will surely miss reading your sporatic updates of life, adventure, and nonsense. Farewell my blog jumping friends... farewell.


Brian said...

okay, okay. man. it's only been a week or so.

Unknown said...

HA HA! you are actually one of the few to come back! Theres a couple other guys I follow regularly that have called it quits... Im happy to see that you have come back ;)