Wednesday, February 4, 2009

7 years of parenthood, my greatest adventure yet

Another year gone by and my son has followed suit. Caleb turns 7 today, and with him my years of parenthood. As he gets older and smarter my priorities continue to change, and my role as a parent grows in intensity. Being a parent the way I have chosen is not just about saying the right things and giving him the right room to grow, but has changed my life completely. As my son gets older and more impressionable I have had to grow as a person myself to become the example I would choose him to follow. Parenthood for my has not been about discipline and providing a roof as my father would have had my brother and I believe, though that is part of it, parenthood for the relationship between my son and I has become about lifelong learnership, and learning to love knowledge. Caleb is a sponge and everything he does is a learning experience, I have had to learn not to take this for granted. As he grows I have had to learn to not let anything hold him back, to let him know that he is capable of ANYTHING, and that the expectations of the world will always let him down, that his own expectations, regardless of anyone elses beliefs, are that which will carry him through life. His own teachers seek to hold him back in the sense that they dont see him as I do. When I look at him I see the next President of the United States, I see the cure for cancer, I see a great literary genius, I see what no one else is willing to see, and I want him to see this too. I want him to understand that the world will never hold him to the expectations that he should hold for himself and that he should always strive for learning, to hunger and thirst for knowledge, and for the sake of his own intentions not to please anyone else, for no one else lives by his own standard. Another year has passed and a baby, a little boy, has turned into a ball of information. He has learned to read this year, one of the biggest steps along the trail to learning and I am trying to teach him to love it. This relationship has many years to come and I will never give up on teaching my son above all else to think for himself and to love knowledge. Happy birthday my son! Heres to another great year!

1 comment:

Karlos said...

Iknow you cant see it nor hear it, but I am applauding. Brilliant!