Sunday, March 2, 2008

the ides creeping nearer

...and me off to a halfway decent start... my goal this month is 500 miles... LAst month I finished at 340, or just about... im rounding it off of course. duh. but my goal... 500 miles... im at 30 as of today... i need to do more than 100 miles a week. which means i have to ride to work every day. or at least 4 days a week, and that should be 120 a week... my road bike is coming soon. im still waiting on the frame, which i will hopefully get this week. im rambling arrent I... well...

I left my messenger bag at a friends house after a slight getting-way-to-drunk-to-think issue so i dont have my camera or my notebook full of ideas, so this post is merely early march rhetoric. Im starting to realise that people out there actually read my web log... i find that at least a few times a week people come into my work and ask about me... and i have spoken with a few of you already. to this i say thanks, and well... its amusing to me that people out there have nothing better to do with thier lives than read about me... i find it flattering, if not a bit disgusting... ha. just kidding people seriously... i love that I have a few interested people if not a slight following... ok so before my head explodes. Oh so my car was totalled, im not sure if i said that, i need a vehicle eventually and im looking for a truck... if anyone out there is selling a little pick-up for just under 2Gs im looking to buy... now. well i hope this wasnt too unamusing. have a good day.

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