Wednesday, March 3, 2010

AT - Commitment

In two days I'll be standing next to Ellen at the base of Amicalola Falls looking toward the summit of Springer Mountain in Georgia. Adorned with backpacks and cold weather gear we will begin a 7 day hike covering some 40 miles along the Appalachian Trail, and ultimately we commit ourselves to a journey that may last much longer. For those who don't know(those of you living under a rock), Springer Mountain marks the official starting point for the Appalachian Trail, or AT for short, that meanders up the East coast of the United States for some 2175 miles before ending, just short of our 51st state, in Maine. Though we will be committing ourselves to 40 miles for this hike, we ultimately have opened up the can of worms that many AT section hikers start and spend years trying to finish. We will have committed ourselves to a lifetime pursuit that is the AT.
What does all this mean? It means blood, sweat, and tears... it means love, commitment, and facing fears... its means a journey that may take years...
I'm looking forward to the journey ahead.

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