Tuesday, December 9, 2008


everyonce in a while I post something of a more personal nature here on the old blog. I typically like to keep this for my cycling adventures and other related things, but every once in a while I feel I must wax-poetic and reveal a glimpse of the genius behind the crazy.. or is that the other way around? Anywho.. as I sit here amongst a pile of texts, spiral bound notebooks, my calculator, a couple pencils, my warm lap-top sitting in my.. well.. im giving it purpose to its name. I am slowly, but hopefully surely(fingers crossed) getting all my homework and studying done to wrap up my first semester back to school in a few long and trial filled years. I have learned a lot about myself in the past couple years and I am intent on making this my final comeback as an undergrad student. I am hoping to plan a trip this summer to Washington DC as a means of soul searching, or rather, soul cleansing. I am becoming more and more confident in the man and parent I am and I want to take a gander at what this country is all about. I also want to take Caleb with me.
Reading has become an important part of my life. A little less than 5 years ago I was introduced by a good friend to a good book and a great story. The book itself is of little significance, but that book was the first of many that would follow. The books I have read have turned me into the knowledge hungry man I believe I have become today. No more blissful ignorance, no more wondering what.. just knowledge and access to more and more. In turn I have turned my son into a reader and it is an amazing thing to watch him pick up one of his favorite books and sit down with me while I read. It is these books that have lead to my desire to search for this thing we call America, and this thing I call me.
I am excited about the future. I am excited about Caleb's future. There is so much I want to see and so much I want to say. I am hoping my trip this summer gives me something to write about. Another notch in the belt, but more importantly an adventure shared and a story to tell. we shall see where this adventure called life leads us.

1 comment:

Gladis said...


Something more to write about, that's life, for sure.

Don't forget to send me a copy!