Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tampa Bike Coop bike night.

I know this is late in coming but im a busy fool. the house is a week from being done and soon i move in so... welll... heres the other story; i went to Bike Night, the grand opening of sorts for the Tampa Bike Coop, where people get together and work on bikes... a whole lot more than that went on as well, some riding, some beer, and a lot of vegan burritos. I brought the tools and a repair stand and worked on a few peoples bikes and generally had a good time. Bike nights will be held every first monday night at Transitions Art Gallery just behind Skate Park of Tampa. the fun begins around 7pm. 
heres a link to more info: www.tampabikecoop.wordpress.com 
here are some pictures i did not take... damnit.

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