Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sometimes its best NOT to use your head.

Dallas hit his head pretty hard the other day riding his fixie around the USF campus in Tampa. He said he was only doing about 5mph and cant explain why he fell... i imagine its hard to remember. He cracked his skull and had brain surgery putting screws in his head to hold the fractured skull together. He wasnt wearing a helmet. He's got a nasty scar where hair used to be... scars are tough... but getting them like this is risky. he could be dead. hes very lucky. wear your helmets people. 

I hope to see you out riding soon Dallas, with your helmet on. 


Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry to read about your friend getting hurt. I hope and pray everything turns out OK for your friend.

Fred in St Pete

Mike, Ted, Sean, and others.... said...

Glad to see Him up and looking like he is recovering quickly.

Anonymous said...

This post convinced me to finally get a helmet. I picked up a nice Giro Monza, and can barely tell I'm wearing it.
