Friday, April 13, 2012


Sometimes it pays to take an unplanned personal day. Or I guess for that matter it could be planned... but the main idea is that it is cleansing to the soul to take time off when you expected to be stressed by the days work. Today I took some time to myself. I took a walk around Weedon Island to take in some fresh air. I rode my bike a few miles around St. Pete. I spent some time cleaning around the house. I worked on a couple projects I have had lying around. Yes I would normally do these things on my regularly scheduled days off, but playing hookie, as they say, afforded me the chance to do these things on what normally would have been someone elses time. Today has been a relaxing sigh of relief, a breath of fresh air, a time to reflect and think about the things that are going on in my life.
I hope to spend more time doing things that are worthy of posting in my blog. Yesterday two touring cyclists, travelling from Oregon, needed a ride over the skyway and I was more than happy to oblige... I want to find that motivation that I used to yearn for to seek out these kinds of opportunities to help cyclists in need, rather than simply work as a bike mechanic, i want to fill a void in the cycling world. I want to feel that what I am doing matters, not just in the sense of repairing someones bicycle, but in that I am continuing their adventures.
It was good to take some time to think about these things today, now its up to me to decide what I should do with this epiphany...


Gladis said...

Not to contradict, but I think that repairing someone's bike very literally helps them to continue the adventure. You would have loved the people we got to meet at our camp in the Yukon- every 4th day or so a cycling tourist would come down the highway, and there is nothing out there, so we'd always let them warm up by our fire and refill their metaphorical cups.

Unknown said...

This may very well be the case but when you work for someone who cares more about the dollars and cents coming into the shop than the reason for those profits it kind of wears on you. After that post i sought out a new job working for a man who truly loves cycling. It is not the literal translation but the abridged bullshit that I had to deal with that brought me down. after all sometimes a job can become just a job.