Monday, May 10, 2010

Thoughts on life and cycling.

Thoughts on cycling and life.

Another semester in the books and another semester closer to the dream of spoiling the minds of the youth of the country with my rhetoric. It was a great semester but I was looking forward to taking some time off before the summer semester begins. I will have three days off, but it will be a positively enjoyable three days of not knowing what the hell to do with the time. The last month has been a busy one, with extra hours wrenching on other peoples bicycles and what with preparing for final exams and end of semester projects. I did find lots of time to ride the 32 miles to and from work as my truck was in the shop for a week... I got over 100 miles in in just over a week. It taught me that I love riding to work no matter how far it is. I have since ridden to work several times with a perfectly good truck parked in the driveway. I was always the bike commuter before, but now I am learning to enjoy it. Both for the monetary advantage and the physical workout I am getting, but also an even more important sense of saving the environment and being a visible presence for cycling advocacy. I am attempting to get the entire shop to ride to work on May 21st which is national bike day, I will probably ride to work that whole week, bit if the lot were empty of cars I think it will make a great statement. Anywho... its great to be able to share some thoughts on the old blog again, even though I know no one is reading it anymore, its still good to talk about it with whomever may accidentally stuble upon this post. Cheers.

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