New things for me.. I start school in three weeks and I am attempting to make this my final run. I am finishing my AA at SPC and will be enrolling at USF in the College of Education by the end of the year. I am majoring in Social Science Education. I have many reasons for wanting to be a teacher but one of the most important ones to me is being able to take the summers off to ride with my son around the country and eventually around the world.
On another note I have finally lessened my radius around town, short enough in fact that I can get to everywhere I need to be in less than an hour by bike. I took a new part time Job with Bicycle Outfitters in Seminole. It is a touring friendly shop and it is right on the Pinellas Trail. I have been shopping with these guys since I started riding 6 years ago when Caleb was born. My commute to work is 7.5 miles, and only 2 miles from the Seminole Campus of St. Pete College where I am taking all of my classes this semester.
As far as riding goes I have made a commitment to ride to work everyday. I rode three days this week so far and the the Mighty Max has been parked firmly in the drive way. My ride to work in Seminole is shorter by bike than my drive to Tampa was by car, I really feel like im finally doing my part. The amount of money I am saving and the amount of pollution I am saving by not driving the truck is amazing. The one thing I still have a problem with is driving Caleb to his Mother's. We rode there the other day to drop him off but it is a bit dangerous to let him ride on some of the streets we have to take along our route. Im looking for a used trail-a-bike to solve this problem.
To the readers of my blog.. I am meeting more and more people through my blog and I am developing a network of friend from all over the state and even out side of the state. If you read my Blog regularly and dont know me personally please send me a message and introduce yourself. I would like to know who you are! Thanks.. this was me.